Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Divine Consign

What they are getting close to the limit (60,000) of items?!?!? (Thanks for the warning April) I better get busy or I'll be left out. Oh no, I'm going to get all of my stuff in TONIGHT or ELSE!!!! 7:00p.m.

9:41 - I'm DONE, I'm DONE, I'M DONE!!!!! Yipee I'm done.

If you are wondering what is Divine Consign, well it is a bi-annual sale of children's clothes, toys & baby gear. At pre-sale, it is a mad house of people running in to get the best stuff or what one would think as the PRIZE. This year, it will be a bed for Liam (there was a Thomas the Train bed in the fall) and some more outdoor toys, like we need anymore outdoor toys and then clothes. I always scope out the stuff when I drop off, just to see what they prices are and if there is something I just have to have. Last spring I spent a little over $100 and came out with 17 complete outfits (Gap, Gymboree, Polo, Jannie & Jack). The rules for consigning are pretty strict, so the outfits I bought were in good condition. As for now, I am hoping I did not miss something. As for the dining room, it looks like a children's store threw up. There are clothes on chairs, toys on the table. Thanks to Madison & Gavin for bringing me stuff to tag in. Ugh!!!!, now I have to print the tags, iron the clothes and pin the tags. Oh Madison....you want to make some extra money$$$$$.

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