Saturday, March 21, 2009

I got the movie!!!!!

Ok, I've waited over 3 hours to see Santa and now I have waited 1 1/2 hours to get a movie. The wait was not too bad, there was a lot of Twilight books to pass the time as well as the soundtrack blaring, not to mention all the fans, young and old. If I saw one "Marry me Edward" shirt I saw 10. I got to the store about 11, and hour later than I wanted, but I had to wait for Gavin to get home from practice and then take a shower. I was worried that the line would be long and I might not get a movie. But, at last it was 12:01 and the line was moving. Gavin & I were walking out the store at 12:30 and on our way to watch the movie. Too bad, we both fell alseep about 30 mintues into it. Madison wanted to watch the movie and would not let me start where I stopped, then I got interrupted and we have to stop the movie. Finally, I was going to watch the movie, this would make 3 times to watch the beginning, but that is ok. I knew that the movie would not be like the book. There were a few inconsistencies with timing of the events, but overall, it was AWESOME. I'm so glad I bought it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Twilight The Movie

Tonight or tomorrow at 12:01 a.m., I will be waiting to get my copy of Twilight The Movie. I am a little too excited as anyone that sits around me at work can attest. I can hardly wait. I know the movie will not be as good as the book, but I went to see Madagascar 2 with Liam while Brett, Madison, & Gavin went to see Twilight. So, I want to see it.I have even looked and the movie will premiere on pay-per-view at 6:30 a.m. I cannot wait that long. I went to the mall this afternoon and stopped by Hot Topic, you could not see the Twilight display for all the tweens crowding around. I am hoping there is not a long line tonight.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Madison's Tonsillectomy

waiting for the doctor
All smiles before surgery

looks pretty good, for having her tonsils removed
(her lips are red thanks to the cherry slush)

Madison is out of surgery and in her room. She is already asking for ice cream and will have macaroni & cheese for dinner. A ton better than I expected. She was a little nervous this morning and then the anesthesiologist came in and gave her some goofy juice and she could have cared less. It made them taking her back easier. I have some pic's I will post later since I left my photo cord at home. I'm sure Madison will be glad they are not here yet. We are waiting for Liam to get here, I'm sure he will be excited to see the room with cookies, jello, and ice cream.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What a cute baby

This is the only picture I have of any of the 5 calves that were born this weekend. With trying to weigh, keep an eye on the momma's and Liam, I had little time to take pictures. When I would try to help Brett get the sling around a calf, Liam would freak out that mom was coming over. How do you explain to a 3 year old, that the momma cow is just trying to make sure we are not hurting her baby, much less explain to the momma cow, that the little creature (Liam) screaming is not going to hurt her baby or that we are just checking to make sure everything is ok? It is stressful with just Brett & I, add Liam and it becomes 10 times more. I do not think any of the cows would try to hurt Liam, but I have to protect him as much as they have to protect their baby.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Check out the Big Brains on Gavin

Friday was the awards ceremony for the UIL events. Gavin received 8 medals. 3 Gold (1st place-individual awards & 5 Silver (2nd place-team awards). The only problem is Gavin failed to tell me there was an awards ceremony. I did not even see the medals until I asked him at lunch on Sunday. It seems a teacher in our Sunday School class asked me what I thought about all of Gavin's medals. How embarrassing...I had no idea. When I asked him, it was no big deal. He said, "oh yeah...I got a few medals". So, to even things out, I made him out all 8 on and took a picture. You can tell by his expression, he was not thrilled.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What big tonsils you have...

Madison has had tonsilitis for almost a month, so I have finally made an appointment with the ENT that did Liam's tubes. I told him her tonsils were pretty big and he said, "I've seen some big tonsils, I won't be surprised". Once he looked in her throat, he was surprise. "Ok those are Big". There was no other questions, only "those need to come out". Pretty much, they should have been taken out a long time ago. I have known she would probably need to have them removed, I have just been very relucant. She had an IV when she was 5 and she stills talks about how much that hurt. I can only imagine what this is going to be like. When we left the doctors office, she was pretty ticked at me. I know after this is all over, she will be glad they are gone. I am just going to be a nervous wreck until after it is over. They had an opening this Wednesady. Thay is too quick. So, we settled until next week during Spring Break. What a great way to spend Spring Break, recovering from surgery. I hope I am making the right decision.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Houston Stock Show

Madison giving Daphane a bath (these picture are for Mary)
Daphane getting a drink during her bath

Madison with Bella

Gavin with Lola
Gavin with Daphane

Gavin & Daphane sleeping (he's really faking, the pig is really asleep)

Poor pregnant pig (she was due on the 8th)

I wish I could say we came home with a winning pig, but I can't. This show was a lot different than Ft. Worth. The biggest thing was we were freezing in Ft. Worth & sweating in Houston. It is March and it was 84 degrees. As for showingthe pigs, Madison finally got to show Bella, and they placed 7th. That would have been outstanding if there were 15-20 in the class, but there was only 7. At least we placed, as they do not have to place anything after 5th. Gavin did not place either. His classes has 24-30 in each. That is a lot of pigs in a small show ring. We did have a lot of excitement. There was a tractor display behind us that kids could pretent they were plowing a field ; that is where Liam and I spent a lot of time and I mean A LOT!!!! If I was not standing at the tractors with Liam, I was helping chase one of our pigs and yes I said chase. We were getting Lola ready to show and she freaks out and runs. Pigs can run fast too. The good thing is if you have pigs, you know they can run fast and if you see someone with a runaway pig, you help corral them. Then it was Daphane's turn to be shown. She was easy to get in the holding pen, until some girls that were there to see the Jonas Brothers started messing with her and the gate on their side was open. Daphane started to push on the gate and the girls stepped back and took the gate with them. That is all that she needed, an opening and she was gone. Gone right into the petting zoo and caged animal displays. Ding dong Daphane starts running through the people with their small children, some in strollers and some on foot. Some of the people were laughing which it might seems funny, but it is very dangerous. Daphane weighs atleast 300 lbs. When she steps on your foot, it really hurts. I'm not sure they would be laughing if their kids got hurt. Thanks to a stock show volunteer, we guided he back to the swine area and she went back to the holding pen. The whole time we are chasing Daphane, Liam was yelling, "catch my pig, she's run'd away".
Once the show was over, we were allowed to leave. But, you had to have a release and your trailer release form all of these were obtained from different people in different places. We got all of our paperwork, went to get the trailer and headed back to pick up the pigs. This was 3:20 pm. Brett decided to take a different exit and that is where the mistake began. Remember there were some girls there to see the Jonas Brothers, well, we got stuck in the Jonas Brothers line from Hell. There were cars everywhere all trying to get into the stock show grounds. We are in a truck with a 20' trailer and the Houston police tell us that we need to make a U-turn and go to a different street. Hello, I am not in a little car that can just make a u-turn. When you have a trailer especially a 20' trailer you need a lot of room to make a u-turn. Do you mind if we re-model the street and take out a few light poles and a bunch of cars, as this was the only way we were going to get turned around. Finally, listening to our reasoning, the police let us through. We went to the next street, turned, got back on 610 and took the exit that was right. By the time we went through the JB exercice and got to the swine barn, it was after 5. Which meant we would not even be close to getting home until after 10. I have never wanted to be home as much as I did then. The good thing it we have almost a year before we do this all over.

Liam in the tractor

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Are we there yet???

I wish I could say that the kids were asking that, but it was me. I got a later start than planned, then I had a list of things to do and buy before I could go home and make sure all the lists I left were done. Oh yeah...I still had to go by the vets office and get the health certificate. By 5:30, we all were packed and ready to hit the road. Which means we would not get to Houston until at least 10:30. This does not include bathroom breaks and dinner. I think I can handle the drive straight through to Austin better than a couple of stops to Houston. The road keeps getting longer and longer. Are we ever going to be there? Finally, after reading Madison's Twilight movie book and watching Matagascar (sp) we are finally in Houston. Yeah!!!! Now, we get to drive back home on Sunday.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Madison

Today is Madison's birthday. She does not turn14 officially until 5:45 p.m. She was being pokey back in 1995 and still to this day she is pokey. She make 4 dozen cupcakes to share with her class and the teachers. I had to beg to get one myself. She will get out of school early but not for her birthday, we are leaving for the Houston Stock Show. I know that is just how she wants to spend her birthday, traveling with pigs. At least she got some cool gifts. I found the Twilight movie companion book and she is getting a new rhinestone belt. I have to admit the belt is quite nice. She will wear this for showing. We saw it while in Ft Worth and all the girls showing had one, so of course we had to get one too.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

B' credible

Since the major shows are over, we are now focusing on county shows. Since we did not have any heifers that we could show at county, we bought a new pig. Just what we need, another animal. That puts the count to 58 animals.This time it is a barrow, we've only had gilts. The ladies (Bella, Lola, & Daphane) are not thrilled to have a new barn mate. NOT!!! They have tried to start a fight almomst everyday. The good thing is I do not have to worry about him breeding them. He's been fixed. And he will not be staying for long. He is pretty cute and small. Too bad, that will not last.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Deals at Divine Consign

I am so tired...I shopped early and because of that I had to volunteer to work the sale. I have done the breakdown shift and that is hard work. This time I worked one of the busiest times. Opening day to the public. There were a few people that bought a lot of stuff and I mean A LOT. That is good. I hope they bought all of my stuff. I did find some really good deals. Liam got a new big boy bed. I am sure the man that loaded this in my car wanted to say,"Are you crazy, you want to put this in what car?" Yep, can you put that bed in that car. When I got home, Liam was so excited to see his bed. He jumped on it and wanted to watch a movie. He is still in our room. I need to move him upstairs, but I am afraid of how he might fall down the stairs and get hurt. Especially since he is accident prone. Maybe in a few months...we'll see.