Sunday, March 1, 2009

Deals at Divine Consign

I am so tired...I shopped early and because of that I had to volunteer to work the sale. I have done the breakdown shift and that is hard work. This time I worked one of the busiest times. Opening day to the public. There were a few people that bought a lot of stuff and I mean A LOT. That is good. I hope they bought all of my stuff. I did find some really good deals. Liam got a new big boy bed. I am sure the man that loaded this in my car wanted to say,"Are you crazy, you want to put this in what car?" Yep, can you put that bed in that car. When I got home, Liam was so excited to see his bed. He jumped on it and wanted to watch a movie. He is still in our room. I need to move him upstairs, but I am afraid of how he might fall down the stairs and get hurt. Especially since he is accident prone. Maybe in a few months...we'll see.

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